- Condominium Foreclosures vs. the Rights of Mortgage Holders
- Are there any records of the condominium association that should not be accessible to unit owners?
- As a unit owner, do I have the right to attend a budget meeting?
- Can a Board suspend a unit owner’s voting rights because the unit owner is late in paying assessments?
- Can a homeowner in a homeowner’s association be forced to give up a pet?
- Can my condominium borrow money from a bank to make needed repairs?
- Can the condominium association pay a Board member for their services as a Board member?
- Can the association charge me $100 to lease a unit?
- I believe that my condo association is not making prudent financial decisions. What can I do?
- Do condo association meetings have to be publicized and open to residents?
- Do I have the right as a unit owner to obtain the names and addresses of all other unit owners in my condominium?
- Is it proper for a Board meeting to be conducted over the telephone?
- If I do not pay my condo fees, what type of sanctions can my condo association take?
- If I win a lawsuit against the association, can I recover attorney fees and assessment fees that I paid the association to defend the lawsuit?
- Is HOA approval necessary for an improvement or alteration?
- Must a Board inform unit owners as to what a meeting is about?
- What decisions of the association require a unit owner vote?
- What are common elements and limited commons elements in a condominium?
- What are covenants, conditions, and restrictions in a homeowner’s association?
- What happens if I fail to pay a regular or special assessment?
- What is a condominium?
- What is the difference between the homeowner’s association and a condominium association in Florida?
- What is considered a Board meeting in a condominium association?
- What makes working with you different than other lawyers?
- What law requires a condominium association to hire a licensed property manager?
- When can the homeowner’s association fine a homeowner in Florida?
- Can a condominium association deny an owner the right to rent his unit if his assessments are unpaid
- Is your condominium’s right of approval enforceable?
- Suspension of Voting Rights in a Florida condominium
- New laws directly affect Property Managers
- New estoppel legislation in 2017
- Unpaid assessments of previous owner are not always owed by the foreclosure buyer
- Are your condominium association’s finances in good shape?
- The Legalities of Association Fines
- Accord and Satisfaction eliminated for condominium assessments
- Lien stripping in Chapter 7 eliminated by Supreme Court
- Court dashes hopes of associations to nullify mortgages.
- Who can serve on the Condominium Board of Directors?
- Can a condominium association amend the Declaration to restrict an owner’s right to lease her unit?
- When does a tenant need to vacate the property after a home mortgage is foreclosed?
- Are images captured on the Association’s security cameras “official records”?
- Tips to Avoid Bad Debt Losses
- Owners Have Rights: Even Valid Condominium Rules Are Not Always Enforceable
- When Are Directors Personally Liable For Their Conduct As Board Members?
- Know The Limits of a Condominium Board’s Authority
- A Little Reason by the Board of Directors Never Hurts
- Grandfather Status For Condominium Unit Owners
- Property Managers Must Help Their Condominium Collection Attorneys
- Material Alteration of the Common Elements: Owners Don’t Always Have a Right of Approval
- Changes to the Florida Condominium Act are not always enforceable
- Associations cannot impose a fine without prior, proper notice to the owner
- Selective Enforcement – Is that your defense?
- Withholding maintenance dues is not a good idea
Mobile: (305) 670-8993